F = Forget
A = Active
S = State
T = Teach
- What you know already.
- anything that is not important at that time.
- all kinds of limitation.
- Learning is not a spectator's sports.
- get involved in the process
- taking notes
- comment
- ask question.
- What you are feeling ?
- information combined with the emotion become a long term memory.
- all learning are dependent on states
- Learn as if you need to teach that some body
- so you take notes
- when you teach you learn twice.
EPISODE 2: Improve your memory now
- In most of the school, it is taught that 'what to learn?' but it is not taught that 'how to learn?'
- Need to teach 'Meta learning'.
- M O M
- M - Motivation [ask why do you want remember ?]
- O = Observation [listen or watch carefully, be present at that moment]
- M= Mechanics [Strategies]
EPISODE 3: 10 Keys To Unlock Optimal Brain Health
- Need to maintain mental fitness.
- 10 Keys
- Deit
- Killing ANTs [Automatic Negetive Thoughts, such as thinking on limitations etc]
- Exercise -
- "As you body moves, Your brain grows"
- "Anything that is good for heart is good for brain"
- Good blood flow, good oxygen flow
- Brain Nutrients
- Positive peer Group ["Who you spent time with is who you become"]
- Clean Environment [ Clean your table, desktop, room ]
- Sleep [build back the tissues]
- Brain Protection [Wear helmet, avoid extreme exercise]
- New Learning [nutrients + Novelty]
- Stress Management
EPISODE 5: My 10 Favorite Brain Foods
- Avocado
- Helps keep healthy blood flow
- Good source of monounsaturated fats
- Blueberries (or ‘brainberries!).
- Protects your brain from oxidative stress
- Reduces the effect of brain-aging conditions
- Rats who ate blueberries had improved overall learning capacity and motor skills and were mentally younger
- Broccoli
- Remarkable source of fiber
- Rich in vitamin K, which is known to enhance cognitive function and improve brainpower
- Coconut Oil.
- Medium chain fatty acid, which ignites your body’s fat-burning furnaces to help create ketones
- Eggs.
- Full of memory-improving choline, Omega-3s, and vitamin E
- Green Leafy Vegetables.
- Spinach, kale, collard green
- Good sources of vitamin E and folate
- Salmon
- Wild deepwater fish rich in Omega-3s and DHA
- Sardines are also good.
- Turmeric
- Reduces inflammation and helps boost antioxidant levels
- Keeps your immune system healthy
- Improves brain’s oxygen intake to you alert and able to process information
- Recipe: I start my days with turmeric tea. I combine turmeric, pepper (to absorb the turmeric better), honey, coconut oil, and hot water.
- Walnuts
- High levels of antioxidants and zinc
- Rich in vitamin E, which protects your neurons
- Wards off brain-aging conditions
- Lots of magnesium, which improves your mood and thus your brain
- Dark Chocolate
- Improves your focus, concentration, and mood
- Stimulates endorphins
- Generally, the darker the chocolate, the purer and better for your brain
EPISODE 6: Remember Everyones Name
- Your brain is super computer.
- B - Belief
- All behaviour is belief driven
- I don't have good memory yet.
- E - Exercise - practice
- 30 days of practice
- S - Say it - u'll listen twice.
- U - Use it -
- A - Ask - ask about person's name
- V - Visualize
- E - End -
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