अंगुत्तरनिकाय > तिकनिपात > पुग्गलवग्गो > अन्ध सुत्त (तीन प्रकारका ब्यक्तिहरू - अन्धो, एक अाँखा भएको, दुर्इ अाँखा भएको)
'भिक्षुहरू ! यस लोकमा तीन प्रकारका मानिसहरू छन् । ती कस्ता हुन् त ?
English Translation of Andha Sutta
Translated in
Monks, there are three persons found existing in the world.
What three? The blind, the one-eyed, and the two-eyed.
And of what sort, monks, is the blind? Herein a certain person has not the eye to acquire wealth unattained, or to make the wealth he has increase. He has not the eye fit to see states that are good and bad, to see states that are blameworthy and praiseworthy states mean and exalted, states resembling light and darkness. This one, monks, is called "the blind."
And of what sort, monks, is the one-eyed? In this case a certain person has the eye to acquire wealth unattained, and or to make the wealth he has increase. But he has not the eye fit to see states that are good and bad, to see states that are blameworthy and praiseworthy states mean and exalted, states resembling light and darkness. This one is called the "one-eyed."
And of what sort, monks, is the two-eyed? In this case a certain person has both the eye to acquire wealth unattained and the eye to make the wealth he has increase, and the eye to see states that are good and bad, to see states that are blameworthy and praiseworthy, states mean and exalted, states resembling light and darkness. This one is called " the two-eyed."
These are the three persons: The blind, of sight bereft, hath no such wealth, No works good deeds, unlucky in both ways. And then again 'tis said the one-eyed man, conjoined with right and wrong, searches for wealth. With tricks and frauds and lies: worldly, purse-proud, and clever to gain wealth is he, and hence departing is afflicted sore in Hell. But best of all's the being with two eyes: His wealth, with right exertion rightly won, he gives away: with best intent, unwavering. In a blessed home he's born, nor sorrows there. So from the blind and one-eyed keep aloof, and join thyself to worthy two-eyed men.'
‘‘तयोमे, भिक्खवे, पुग्गला सन्तो संविज्जमाना लोकस्मिं।- अन्धो,
- कानो (एउटामात्र अाँखाले देख्ने),
- सद्दे (दुबै अाँखा देख्ने)
भिक्षु हो, यी अन्धा मानिस भनेको कस्ता हुन् त ? यस प्रकारको मान्छेमा न धन सम्पत्ति अार्जन र बृद्धि गर्ने ज्ञान रूपी पहिलो अाँखा हुन्छ न त कुशल र अकुशल, प्रशंसनीय र निन्दनीय, उच्चस्तरको र तल्लोस्तरको, उज्यालो र अध्याँरो कुन के हो ? भनी छुट्यार्इ हेर्न सक्ने दोस्रो अाँखा हुन्छ । यस प्रकारको मानिसलार्इ (दुबै अाँखा नदेख्ने) 'अन्धो' भनिन्छ ।
भिक्षु हो, यी कानो मानिस भनेका कस्ता हुन् त ? कोही मानिसहरूमा धनसम्पत्ति अार्जन र बृद्धि गर्न अावश्यक ज्ञान रूपी पहिलो अाँखा त हुन्छ तर कुशल र अकुशल, प्रशंसनीय र निन्दनीय, उच्चस्तरको र तल्लोस्तरको, उज्यालो र अध्याँरो कुन के हो ? भनी छुट्यार्इ हेर्न सक्ने दोस्रो अाँखा हुँदैन । यस प्रकारको मानिसलार्इ 'कानो' भनिन्छ ।
भिक्षु हो, दुबै अाँखा देख्ने सद्दे मानिस भनेका कस्ता हुन् त ? यस प्रकारका मानिसहरूमा धनसम्पत्ति अार्जन र बृद्धि गर्न अावश्यक ज्ञान रूपी पहिलो अाँखा पनि हुन्छ । यस्तै नै कुशल र अकुशल, प्रशंसनीय र निन्दनीय, उच्चस्तरको र तल्लोस्तरको, उज्यालो र अध्याँरो कुन के हो ? भनी छुट्यार्इ हेर्न सक्ने दोस्रो अाँखा पनि हुन्छ । यस प्रकारको मानिसलार्इ 'दुबै अाँखा देख्ने सद्दे' भनिन्छ ।
यी हुन् तीन प्रकारका मानिसहरूः
- धन सम्पत्ति पनि नभएको र कुशल काम पनि गर्न नजान्ने, दुबै किसिमले अभागी, दुबै ज्ञान रूपी अाँखाले देख्न नसक्ने 'अन्धो' ब्यक्ति
- जो कुशल र अकुशल जे पायो त्यहिं गरेर धनमात्र कमाउन खोज्ने, ठगी र बेइमानी गरी संसारिक सुख र सम्बृद्धि प्राप्त गरी त्यसैमा घमण्ड गरी हिड्ने हुन्छ । जो त्यस्तै अकुशलका कारण दुर्गति तिर गइरहेको हुन्छ ।
- यी तीन मध्ये सबै भन्दा उत्तम दुबै अाँखा भएका ब्यक्ति हुन् जसले अाफ्नो इमान्दरीता र उचित परिश्रमले पर्याप्त धन कमाएको हुन्छ । सद्चित्तले ढृढ संकल्पी भर्इ त्याग भावना राख्ने हुन्छ । उ राम्रो कुलमा जन्म भएर दुःख नभएको अवस्थामा रहन्छ ।
English Translation of Andha Sutta
Translated in
Monks, there are three persons found existing in the world.
What three? The blind, the one-eyed, and the two-eyed.
And of what sort, monks, is the blind? Herein a certain person has not the eye to acquire wealth unattained, or to make the wealth he has increase. He has not the eye fit to see states that are good and bad, to see states that are blameworthy and praiseworthy states mean and exalted, states resembling light and darkness. This one, monks, is called "the blind."
And of what sort, monks, is the one-eyed? In this case a certain person has the eye to acquire wealth unattained, and or to make the wealth he has increase. But he has not the eye fit to see states that are good and bad, to see states that are blameworthy and praiseworthy states mean and exalted, states resembling light and darkness. This one is called the "one-eyed."
And of what sort, monks, is the two-eyed? In this case a certain person has both the eye to acquire wealth unattained and the eye to make the wealth he has increase, and the eye to see states that are good and bad, to see states that are blameworthy and praiseworthy, states mean and exalted, states resembling light and darkness. This one is called " the two-eyed."
These are the three persons: The blind, of sight bereft, hath no such wealth, No works good deeds, unlucky in both ways. And then again 'tis said the one-eyed man, conjoined with right and wrong, searches for wealth. With tricks and frauds and lies: worldly, purse-proud, and clever to gain wealth is he, and hence departing is afflicted sore in Hell. But best of all's the being with two eyes: His wealth, with right exertion rightly won, he gives away: with best intent, unwavering. In a blessed home he's born, nor sorrows there. So from the blind and one-eyed keep aloof, and join thyself to worthy two-eyed men.'
कतमे तयो?
अन्धो, एकचक्खु, द्विचक्खु।
कतमो च, भिक्खवे, पुग्गलो अन्धो? इध, भिक्खवे, एकच्चस्स पुग्गलस्स तथारूपं चक्खु न होति यथारूपेन चक्खुना अनधिगतं वा भोगं अधिगच्छेय्य अधिगतं वा भोगं फातिं करेय्य [फातिकरेय्य (सी॰)]; तथारूपम्पिस्स चक्खु न होति यथारूपेन चक्खुना कुसलाकुसले धम्मे जानेय्य, सावज्जानवज्जे धम्मे जानेय्य, हीनप्पणीते धम्मे जानेय्य, कण्हसुक्कसप्पटिभागे धम्मे जानेय्य। अयं वुच्चति, भिक्खवे, पुग्गलो अन्धो।
‘‘कतमो च, भिक्खवे, पुग्गलो एकचक्खु? इध, भिक्खवे, एकच्चस्स पुग्गलस्स तथारूपं चक्खु होति यथारूपेन चक्खुना अनधिगतं वा भोगं अधिगच्छेय्य अधिगतं वा भोगं फातिं करेय्य; तथारूपं पनस्स [तथारूपम्पिस्स (स्या॰ कं॰ पी॰ क॰)] चक्खु न होति यथारूपेन चक्खुना कुसलाकुसले धम्मे जानेय्य, सावज्जानवज्जे धम्मे जानेय्य, हीनप्पणीते धम्मे जानेय्य, कण्हसुक्कसप्पटिभागे धम्मे जानेय्य। अयं वुच्चति, भिक्खवे, पुग्गलो एकचक्खु।
‘‘कतमो च, भिक्खवे, पुग्गलो द्विचक्खु? इध, भिक्खवे, एकच्चस्स पुग्गलस्स तथारूपं चक्खु होति यथारूपेन चक्खुना अनधिगतं वा भोगं अधिगच्छेय्य, अधिगतं वा भोगं फातिं करेय्य; तथारूपम्पिस्स चक्खु होति यथारूपेन चक्खुना कुसलाकुसले धम्मे जानेय्य; सावज्जानवज्जे धम्मे जानेय्य, हीनप्पणीते धम्मे जानेय्य, कण्हसुक्कसप्पटिभागे धम्मे जानेय्य। अयं वुच्चति, भिक्खवे, पुग्गलो द्विचक्खु। ‘इमे खो, भिक्खवे, तयो पुग्गला सन्तो संविज्जमाना लोकस्मि’’’न्ति।
‘‘न चेव भोगा तथारूपा, न च पुञ्ञानि कुब्बति।
उभयत्थ कलिग्गाहो, अन्धस्स हतचक्खुनो॥
‘‘अथापरायं अक्खातो, एकचक्खु च पुग्गलो।
धम्माधम्मेन सठोसो [संसट्ठो (सी॰ स्या॰ कं॰ पी॰), सठोति (क॰)], भोगानि परियेसति॥
‘‘थेय्येन कूटकम्मेन, मुसावादेन चूभयं।
कुसलो होति सङ्घातुं [संहातुं (स्या॰)], कामभोगी च मानवो।
इतो सो निरयं गन्त्वा, एकचक्खु विहञ्ञति॥
‘‘द्विचक्खु पन अक्खातो, सेट्ठो पुरिसपुग्गलो।
धम्मलद्धेहि भोगेहि, उट्ठानाधिगतं धनं॥
‘‘ददाति सेट्ठसङ्कप्पो, अब्यग्गमानसो नरो।
उपेति भद्दकं ठानं, यत्थ गन्त्वा न सोचति॥
‘‘अन्धञ्च एकचक्खुञ्च, आरका परिवज्जये।
द्विचक्खुं पन सेवेथ, सेट्ठं पुरिसपुग्गल’’न्ति॥ नवमं।
Source: http://www.tipitaka.org/deva/
‘‘कतमो च, भिक्खवे, पुग्गलो एकचक्खु? इध, भिक्खवे, एकच्चस्स पुग्गलस्स तथारूपं चक्खु होति यथारूपेन चक्खुना अनधिगतं वा भोगं अधिगच्छेय्य अधिगतं वा भोगं फातिं करेय्य; तथारूपं पनस्स [तथारूपम्पिस्स (स्या॰ कं॰ पी॰ क॰)] चक्खु न होति यथारूपेन चक्खुना कुसलाकुसले धम्मे जानेय्य, सावज्जानवज्जे धम्मे जानेय्य, हीनप्पणीते धम्मे जानेय्य, कण्हसुक्कसप्पटिभागे धम्मे जानेय्य। अयं वुच्चति, भिक्खवे, पुग्गलो एकचक्खु।
‘‘कतमो च, भिक्खवे, पुग्गलो द्विचक्खु? इध, भिक्खवे, एकच्चस्स पुग्गलस्स तथारूपं चक्खु होति यथारूपेन चक्खुना अनधिगतं वा भोगं अधिगच्छेय्य, अधिगतं वा भोगं फातिं करेय्य; तथारूपम्पिस्स चक्खु होति यथारूपेन चक्खुना कुसलाकुसले धम्मे जानेय्य; सावज्जानवज्जे धम्मे जानेय्य, हीनप्पणीते धम्मे जानेय्य, कण्हसुक्कसप्पटिभागे धम्मे जानेय्य। अयं वुच्चति, भिक्खवे, पुग्गलो द्विचक्खु। ‘इमे खो, भिक्खवे, तयो पुग्गला सन्तो संविज्जमाना लोकस्मि’’’न्ति।
‘‘न चेव भोगा तथारूपा, न च पुञ्ञानि कुब्बति।
उभयत्थ कलिग्गाहो, अन्धस्स हतचक्खुनो॥
‘‘अथापरायं अक्खातो, एकचक्खु च पुग्गलो।
धम्माधम्मेन सठोसो [संसट्ठो (सी॰ स्या॰ कं॰ पी॰), सठोति (क॰)], भोगानि परियेसति॥
‘‘थेय्येन कूटकम्मेन, मुसावादेन चूभयं।
कुसलो होति सङ्घातुं [संहातुं (स्या॰)], कामभोगी च मानवो।
इतो सो निरयं गन्त्वा, एकचक्खु विहञ्ञति॥
‘‘द्विचक्खु पन अक्खातो, सेट्ठो पुरिसपुग्गलो।
धम्मलद्धेहि भोगेहि, उट्ठानाधिगतं धनं॥
‘‘ददाति सेट्ठसङ्कप्पो, अब्यग्गमानसो नरो।
उपेति भद्दकं ठानं, यत्थ गन्त्वा न सोचति॥
‘‘अन्धञ्च एकचक्खुञ्च, आरका परिवज्जये।
द्विचक्खुं पन सेवेथ, सेट्ठं पुरिसपुग्गल’’न्ति॥ नवमं।
Source: http://www.tipitaka.org/deva/