Thursday, March 3, 2011

बुद्ध धर्म र अर्थ नीति

-सबिना महर्जन
(यो लेख आषाढ पूर्णिमाको उपलक्ष्यमा श्री शाक्यसिंह परियत्ती तथा प्रौढ शिक्षालयको आयोजनामा भएको वक्तृत्व कला पर्व २०६० को अवसरमा प्रस्तुत भएको थियो । )

       भगवान् गौतम बुद्ध जसले आफुभित्र बोधिज्ञान जगाई सम्पूर्ण क्लेश नाश गरी सम्यकसम्बुद्धत्व प्राप्त गरे र लोक लाई बिमुक्तिको मार्ग सिकाए । उनले बुद्धत्व प्राप्तिपछिको जीवनकालमा दिनुभएका उपदेशहरु बौद्धानुयायीहरुका लागि जीवन–मार्गदर्शनका रुपमा रहे । उनको त्यो साँस्कृतिक क्रान्ति थियो जसले मानिसमा ब्याप्त मिथ्या दृष्टीको जरा उखेलेर एक नबिन संस्कृतिको स्थापना गर्न सफल भयो । यसै क्रममा सामाजिक जीवनधारा चलाउन सम्बद्ध एक महत्वपूर्ण पक्ष अर्थनीतिलाई बौद्ध दर्शनले कस्तो दिशा दिएको छ भन्ने कुरामा यहाँ चर्चा गरिन्छ ।

       सर्वप्रथम अर्थनीतिलाई बुझ्ने जमर्को गरौं । मानिसका अनन्त इच्छा र आवश्यकताहरु  हुन्छन् । यी इच्छा र आवश्यकताहरुको पूर्तिको लागि सीमित स्रोत तथा साधनहरु उपलब्ध हुन्छ ।  यीनै स्रोत तथा साधनहरुको उपयोग गर्ने, उपार्जन गर्ने, ब्यवस्थापन गर्ने, संग्रह गर्ने, संवर्द्धन गर्ने जस्ता क्रियाकलापहरुलाई अर्थनीति अन्तर्गत समेट्न सक्छौं । त्यसकारण अर्थनीतिलाई समाजको समग्र आर्थिक वस्तुस्थिति तथा त्यसभित्रका बिबिध पक्षहरुको अन्तरसम्वन्ध भनी परिभाषित गर्नसकिन्छ ।  अर्थनीतिका बिबिध पक्षहरुलाई बुद्धधर्म दर्शनले कसरी परिभाषित गरेको छ भन्ने बिषयमा हामी बिश्लेषण गर्ने प्रयत्न गरौं । बुद्धले समाजका चार पाङ्ग्रा  भनिएका भिक्षु–भिक्षुणी उपासक–उपासिका परस्पर अन्तरसम्वन्धित छन् । गृहत्यागी भिक्षु भिक्षुणी संघको अन्तिम लक्ष्य नै निर्वाण हुन्  त्यसकारण यीनीहरुका लागि उपदेशित प्रत्येक पाइलाहरु निर्वाण तिर लक्षित भएको हुन्छ । गृहस्थ उपासकहरु भन्नाले कुनै एक ब्यवसाय लिइ घरब्यवहार समेत चलाई सद्धर्म अभ्यासमा लागेका जमात बुझिन्छ । यस्ता गृहस्थहरुलाई दिइएको उपदेश पनि निर्वाण तिर नै लक्षित भएको हुने भएतापनि अरु बिविध ब्यावहारिकता समेतलाई समेटिएको हुन्छ ।

       यसरी भिक्षुहरुलाई दिइएको बिनय सुत्र देशना अनि गृहस्थहरुलाई दिइएको गृहस्थ उपदेशहरुको माध्यमवाट अर्थनीतिमा बौद्ध अवधारणा हामी केलाउन सक्दछौं । यस लेखमा चर्चा गरिने अर्थनीतिका केही पक्षहरु निम्न प्रकार छन् ।
१. आधारभूत आवश्यकता र इच्छा
२. उत्पादन र उपभोग
३. धनको उपादेयता र संरक्षण
४. बौद्ध आचरण र अर्थनीति

आधारभूत आवश्यकता र इच्छा
सम्पूर्ण अर्थनीतिका चालक भन्नु नै यी दुई कुरा हुन् – आवश्यकता र इच्छा । सामाजिक परिवर्तनको कालान्तरमा २५०० वर्ष अगाडीको बुद्धकालीन समाज कहाँ पुगिसके होलान् तर भगवान् बुद्धले त्यसबेला बोल्नुभएको आधारभूत आवश्यकताका कुरा चतुप्रत्यय वस्तुहरु भोजन, वास, चीवर र औषधी अझै पनि अपरिवर्तनीय छन् । भिक्षुहरुलाई दानमा यीनै वस्तुहरु दिइन्छ । अव नियालौं ‘इच्छा’ लाई । आधुनिक अर्थनीतिले समेत बिशेष महत्व दिइएको इच्छाको न शिर नै हुन्छ, न त पुच्छर । भौतिक इच्छाको वसमा मानिसहरु क्षणिक स्वप्न समान सुखको पछाडी भौतारिरहेका हुन्छन् । तर बुद्धका शिक्षाहरुमा इच्छा र इच्छाको प्रत्येवेक्षणा गर्ने र यस सम्वन्धि सत्यलाई जानी आश्रव क्षय (मयल पखाल्नु) गर्ने उपदेशहरु पाइन्छन् ।  चतुरार्य सत्यको दोस्रो आर्यसत्यमा दुःखको मूल कारण नै तृष्णा हो भनि भनिएको छ । अझ भगवानले भिक्षुहरुलाई चतुप्रत्यय वस्तुहरु प्रति समेत आसक्त नहुन भनेका छन् ।

उपार्जन र उपयोग
       भिक्षुहरुलाई चतुप्रत्यय वस्तु गृहस्थ उपासकहरुबाट प्राप्त हुन्छ । भिक्षुहरुलाई जीवन चलाउनको लागि न्यूनतम आवश्यकता पूर्तिको लागि भिक्षाटन जाने उपदेश भगवानले दिएका छन् । दान प्राप्त नभएको वखत पनि भिक्षुहरुले आवश्यक वस्तु आफैंले तयार गर्ने गर्छन् । लगाउनको लागि लुगा नभएमा फालेको कपडा भेट्टाएर आफैले धोएर रङ समेत लगाएर चीवरको रुपमा प्रयोग गर्छन् । आवश्यक औषधीको लागि बिभिन्न वनस्पति जडीवुटीहरु तथा गोमुत्रबाट बनाएर प्रयोग गर्छन् । त्यस्तै वासको लागि बिहार नभेटेमा रुखमुनि नै बिहार गर्नुपर्ने हुन्छ ।

       भिक्षुहरुले आफ्नो वस्तुको उपयोग कति सम्म गर्छन् भन्ने कुरालाई बुझ्न ‘धम्मपदठ्ठ कथा’ मा प्रस्तुत प्रसंग निकै सान्दर्भिक हुन्छ । भिक्षुहरु आफुलाई प्राप्त चीवर सम्पूर्ण भिक्षु संघलाई बाडिदिन्छन् र आफ्नो पुरानो चीवर एकदम पुरानो चीवर भएका भिक्षुहरुलाई दिन्छन् । त्यस्तै ती एकदम पुराना चीवरहरु सुत्नका लागि आछ्याउनेको रुपमा प्रयोग गर्छन् र पहिलेको पुरानो आछ्याउने कपडालाई भुईमा ओछ्याउनेको रुपमा प्रयोग गर्छन् । पुरानो भुईमा ओछ्याउने कपडा खुट्टा पुछ्नेको रुपमा प्रयोग गर्छन् र पुरानो खुट्टा पुछ्ने कपडालाई टुक्रा टुक्रा पारी माटोमा मिलाएर घर लिप्नको लागि उपयोगमा ल्याउछन् । यसरी बुद्धले भिक्षु संघलाई आत्मनिर्भर र मित्तब्ययी अर्थनीति सिकाएका छन् ।

       आधुनिक अर्थनीतिमा कुनैपनि मागको लागि उत्पादन, त्यसको बेचबिखन र अर्थउपार्जनको वारेमा मात्र ब्याख्या गरिन्छ । उदाहरणको लागि मानिसहरुले ह्वीस्की पिउने इच्छा राख्छन् र उत्पादकहरुले रक्सी उत्पादन गरिदिन्छन् । बिश्व मै राम्रो र ठूलो नाफा हुने ब्यवसायहरुमा गनिने यो मदिरा उत्पादन त कुनै कुनै देशको प्रमुख उत्पादन रहेको छ । तर त्यस उत्पादनले समाजमा के कस्तो प्रभाव हुनसक्छ, त्यसको कत्तिको बिचार गरिएको होला त ?

       थाइलाय्ण्डका श्रद्धेय भिक्षु प्रायुध पायुट्टोका  अनुसार अर्थनीति धर्ममा आधारित हुँदा कुनैपनि उत्पादन ब्यवसाय गर्दा मानिस, समाज र वातावरणमा पर्ने त्यस उत्पादनको प्रभावबारे पनि सोचिएको हुन्छ । जसरी सम्यक आजिबिकाको शिक्षामा भनिएको छ, जस्तोसुकै राम्रो नाफा हुने भएपनि अरुलाई हानी गर्ने ब्यवसाय जस्तै – जाडरक्सी बेच्ने, प्राणीहरु बेच्ने, बिष बेच्ने र हातहतियार बेच्ने काम मिथ्या आजीबिका हुन् । यी ब्यवसायवाट हुने ब्यक्तिगत नाफा समाजको लागि दीर्घकालीन अभिशाप हुनजान्छ । कुनैपनि पदार्थको उत्पादन र उपभोग अगाडी त्यसबाट पर्नसक्ने असरवारे जान्नु आवश्यक छ । पायुट्टो अगाडी लेख्नु हुन्छ – कुनै वस्तुको उत्पादन कुनै नयाँ सिर्जना नभई एक वस्तु अर्को रुपमा परिवर्तन हुनुमात्र हो । कुनै पनि हालतमा नयाँ वस्तुको उत्पादन कुनै एक वस्तुको बिनाशबिना सम्भव छैन । जसमध्ये कुनै बिनाश स्वीकार योग्य हुन्छ भने कुनै हुदैन । त्यसैले वस्तु उत्पादन पूर्व त्यसवाट पर्नजाने पर्यावरणीय, सामाजिक असरहरु वारे मूल्याङ्कन हुन जरुरी छ ।

धनको उपादेयता र संरक्षण
       गृह बिनयमा भगवान् बुद्धद्वारा उपदेशित गृहस्थ उपदेश अनुसार गृहस्थहरुले पाँच उद्देश्यले धन कमाउछन् । ऐश्वर्य भोगको लागि, आपत्तिवाट बच्नको लागि, अरुको पोषणको लागि, आदरणीयहरुको सत्कारको लागि र श्रमण ब्राह्मणको सेवाको लागि । धनको उचित उपयोग गर्ने उपायहरुमा बुद्धले भनेका छन् – कमाइएको धनलाई चार भागमा समबिभाग गर्नु, त्यसमा एक भाग खान लाउन, दुइ भाग ब्यापारमा र एक भाग आपतकालको लागि संचय गरि राख्न ।  त्यस्तै गृहस्थहरुको लागि धन चिरस्थायी राख्ने, धन नाश हुने कारणहरु समेत देशना गरी धनसंरक्षण गर्ने उपायहरु उपदेशित छन् ।

बौद्ध आचरण र अर्थनीति
       धर्मले सद्आचरण सिकाउँछ । यस्ता सद्आचरणले भयरहित सुरक्षित समाजको निर्माण हुन्छ । परस्पर बिश्वासी तथा कर्तब्यनिष्ठ सदस्यहरुबीचको ब्यवसाय उद्योग निकै फलोत्पादी हुन जान्छ । बौद्ध अर्थनीतिको एक प्रमुख बिशेषता भन्नु नै ‘ब्यवसाय नैतिकताको आधारमा’ ।
       यीनै सद्आचरणका शिक्षाहरुमा गृहस्थहरुले गर्नुपर्ने चार कुराहरु चतुसंग्रह वस्तु (दान दिनु, मीठो बोल्नु, परोपकारी काम गर्नु र अभिमान नराख्नु), मंगलसुत्रका ३८ मंगलहरु, यस्तै शील सदाचारका अरु बिषयहरुलाई प्राथमिकता दिइएका छन् ।

       अर्थनीतिका यीनै बिविध पक्षहरुको अध्ययनवाट यो बुझ्न सक्छौं कि बौद्ध अर्थनीतिको शिक्षा भन्नु नै भौतिक इच्छालाई न्यूनीकरण गर्दै सामाजिक हितको लागि धनउपार्जन गर्नु हो । महान् अर्थशास्त्री फ्रिच स्कुमेचर को भनाइ अनुसार ‘त्यो इच्छा नै हो जसले मानिसलाई गरिव तुल्याउछ । त्यसैकारण पाश्चात्य भूमिका खतराजनक साबित भएको छ ।’ दोस्रो बिश्वयुद्धपछिको बेलायत र जर्मनीको बिशाल औद्योगीकरण नीतिमा सक्रिय रहेका स्कुमेचर जव १९५५ मा वर्मा पुगी आफु बौद्ध अभ्यास थाले । त्यस बेला बोलेका बाक्यहरु हुन् यी । उनी अझ भन्छन् ‘ बर्मीहरु सादा जीवन बिताउछन्, उनीहरुका इच्छाहरुपनि थोरै मात्र छन्, त्यसैले उनीहरु सुखी छन् । ’

       बौद्ध अर्थनीतिको अर्को बिशेषता भन्नु सरलता र अहिँसा । उच्चआय र खर्च गर्नेलाई उच्चस्तरको सुखी मान्ने आधुनिक अर्थनीतिले यो कुरा कसरी स्वीकार्ला । पूँजीवादी अर्थनीतिमा त प्रमुख लक्ष भन्नु नै उच्चस्तरको जीवनयापन गर्ने, अधिकतम धन संग्रह गर्ने र यसैको आधारमा शक्ति सम्पन्न हुने हो । त्यस कारण यस्ता समाजमा नैतिकताको ब्याख्या भएतापनि गौणरुपमा मात्र हुन्छ । बौद्ध अर्थनीतिमा धनउपार्जन र उपयोगमा सधै नैतिकता जोडिएको हुन्छ, किनभने बौद्ध समाजको अन्तिम लक्ष्य भन्नु नै अनित्य, दुःख, अनात्मा लाई बोध गरि निर्वाणको साक्षात्कार गर्नु हो ।

भवतु सब्ब मंगलम् ।

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

The Tao of Physics
Eastern Mysticism Vs Modern Physics

The book Cover
I just watched an documentary on one of a controversial and popular bookThe Tao of Physics: An Exploration of the Parallels Between Modern Physics and Eastern Mysticism. It is a book by physicist Fritjof Capra, published in 1975. It was a bestseller in the United States, and has been published in 43 editions in 23 languages. After watching this video I felt I must read this book once. The author himself has narrated his observations, inspirations and positions. I am trying to present here some of the key highlight that I've grasped from the documentary.

It's main subject of discussion is the parallels between modern physics and easter mysticism in the time when mysticism is considered a s black spot in modern science. Hence, it took lot of attention as well as criticism.
  1. Search of truth : Modern physics seeks to know the reality of matters dividing the matter into smallest unit called molecule and further dividing in to atoms and sub atomic particles. This quest penetrates beyond the limits of senses. Similarly, eastern mysticism has long ago sought in this direction but through experiential meditative methods.
  2. Creation & Destruction: A far as the physics went deeper, they came to a conclusion that no such physically solid particle exists in any of the atom but those so called particles are the collision and explosion of quantum (packet of energy). It is a continuous process of creation and destruction by each other. Same thing is expounded by Buddhist teachings as 'upadavaya dhammino' and in hinduism symbolized by cosmic dance of siva - a dance start from creation and lasts till destruction and continues for endless time. In China, Tao principle implies the way in which the universe proceeds. It implies a flow of energy parallel to the 'cosmic dance' or 'upadavaya' or the collision, creation and destruction process in sub-atomic world.
  3. Shift in Paradigm: The modern physics is taking leap on paradigm in perceiving the reality. The western knowledge heavily dominated by Cartesian world view, Newtonian perspective, in which reality is visualized in parts (reductionist approach) and aggregate later to perceive whole. This positivist thinking has lead western scientific approaches to mere mechanistic and fragmented. The worlds most prominent crises such as environmental degradation, threat from nuclear weapon and hunger of large section of world population when looked from reductionist world view it would be perceived in one form but when it is taken in holistic ecological world view, it will be perceived as a part of process. The author stresses on the imperatives on shifting the paradigm from conventional world-view to holistic: world as a process, not as a rigid object. In other word, it is to say, to perceive any reality a joint perspective of different discipline has to be considered. Newton's view of world as mindless machine, Cartesian's view of healthy man as parallel to 'clock' are some of the examples it presents. The metaphor of clock has lead and dominated the research and practice of current medical science, in which when clock stops it tries to find out a defect at one point and repair that. From 17th century, the production of knowledge leaded in the vision that 'man are on purpose', 'man dominates world'. This world-view proliferated as industrialization movement which we considered one of the major factor of the world's environmental and other crisis. In contrast, the eastern mysticism believes that nature cannot be controlled so in these spiritual traditions they teach no-control, let flowing, being embedded in the flow and with the nature.
  4. Vision of Material is just a projection: "What we see is not nature but the presentation of it visible according to the way we inquire." Hence objective study can never be objective without ignoring some environment or assuming the absence of some reality. From this perspective, there is no such matter which we perceive by these eyes or any instruments. Negating the existence of any hard and solid things, the scientist of this line of thought and the easter mysticism suggests about physical world as a web of inter-relationship.
Author Capra realized himself in a experiential level when he was sitting in beach, he realized the shower of cosmic rays bombarding in the atmosphere and that dance of the universe. After the he came forward daringly with the conclusion that eastern mysticisms are light, clarity rather than a bad, illicit as considered in modern science. Those thinking are are not rational, cannot be rational but are beyond the rational thinking.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

भवचक्रय् लापिं प्राणीपिं

भवचक्रय् लापिं प्राणीपिं हानं जन्म जुइमानि
जन्म जुइवं मनु थेँ च्वँसां मनु वैत धाइ मखु
गुम्हेसिके शील व श्रद्धा नैतिकता दै मखु

मिथ्या दृष्टि लाना च्वँपिं, भौतिक सुखय् भुलय् जुइ
मसिल गथे क्षणिक धका, प्रकृतिया थ्व नियम
गुम्हेसिके शील व श्रद्धा ....
भवचक्रय् ..........

नैतिकतां कुतुं वंपि भवचक्रय् ला वनि
अज्ञानी जुया च्वँपि प्राणीपिं हानं जन्म जुइमानी
गुम्हेसिके शील व श्रद्धा ....
भवचक्रय् ....

युवक बौद्ध मण्डल या पिथना भजन क्यासेट "प्रज्ञा उमंग" पाखेँ
रचयिताः लक्ष्मीशोभा शाक्य
स व संगीतः चन्द्रमान शाक्य

Katha Mitho Sarangi Ko - Review of 5 stories.


I have just listened to five dramas from the website of 'Katha Mitho Sarangi ko' which were aired in different Radio stations in Nepal. All the dramas are related to relationships in families, spouses and society. It covers different issues ranging from gender and sex, adolescence, caste system and different cultural attributes of particular location. Those five dramas I have listen recently were reviewed here. Thanks to the BBC World Service Trust and the artists who have creatively brought forward these different issues in the form of Radio Drama.

1. Story of Rohini [Episode 31-35] : The drama plot casted in a Tharu community highlights several issues intertwined with each other to affect the relationship in a family. Due to new land reform regulation, Chapra divide land among the family members to avoid the confiscating of land by government due to land ceiling. Also, keeping in mind that land should also be used in loan purpose, he register 1bigha in his mother's name and 3 bigha in his own name. This creates a coldness in relationship between Rohini (Chapra's wife and mother). Unfortunately, Chapra dies in one of the accident and the property get transfered to the Rohini's name. Mother get feared of Rohini, if she ran away with somebody the property of the family will be lost from the family hence she force rohini to marry with her husband's brother Lohara. Lohara later flies away with his girl friend leaving rohini alone. In the meantime Rohini gets support from a local young man Budhram for cultivating Tomato and taking loan. She got fall in love with him, but at this moment, Lohara returns home. Lohara try to be as her husband but he didn't find Rohini happy. One day when she knows that they were force to get marriage only becuase of that peice of land, she returns all the land and leaves house. At this moment Budhram stops her at midway and by coincidently Lohara also follows here to return here jwelleries. Lohara asks Budhram to perform 'Churiya peherana' that is the Tharu way of marrying a widow making her wear a pair of bangles. Rohini's story concludes with with happy ending leaving a good message about prerequisites for the relationships.
It has shown that the churiya peherana is a good social tradition which allow a widow to marry but it has shown a misuse of this tradition which couldn't become successful.

2. Story of Shila and Arpan [Episode 26-30]: It is a story casted in urban context portraying sexual harrassment causing a relationship into trouble. Shila, a brilliant girl, joins college in Kathmandu. She has to face different sexual harassment from the boys in the school as well as in the street. She get fall in love with Arpan who take snaps and video clips of kiss in his mobile. Shila beg Arpan to delete it from the mobile but he doesn't take that seriously. Later, Shila get too stressed becuase of this. She spoils here studies and is caught by depression. At this moment, Arpan come across the news of suicide somewhere due to sexual harassment. He realized his mistake and goes to shila to apologize. But, Shila repeats to delete the picture and video clip from mobile. He agrees to delete but by chance he drops his mobile in class. His rival friend finds the mobile and misuse shila blackmailing. Arpan and shila record the voice of blackmailing and using that record there succeed to get back the mobile from Saroj. A little thing done for fun by a boys became curse to a girl.

3. Story of Manika [Episode 21-29] : This story is also casted in Jankpur, a village in Terai. It depicts different relationship issues arose from dowry culture. A beloved daughter Manika gets married with Kishan. Due to different relationship problems and having daughter in the family, kishan's parent starts to give mental torture to Manika asking for more dowry of 5 lakhs. Urmila, Kishan's sister plays a plot to give lesson to Kishan and his family. Urmila and husband makes a plan to play a drama. She goes to his father saying that her husband thrown her out becuase of dowry and will accept only if she can bring dowry of 5 lakhs. This put her parents in trouble. Later, she make her parents realized that they did injustice to Manika. Then, relationships improves and story concludes with a happy ending.

4. Story of Binita and Ashis [Episode 16-20]: Binita and Ashis had to marry without any plan because of pre-marital pregnancy. And, because it was inter-cast the families didn't accepts their relationships. Later they let them to enter house but the caste issues never ends. In the nuclear family of the Binita, she never gets support for her studies from her husband. This sow the seed of coldness in their relationships. Ashis get pressure from the family to have a son quoting the religious scriptures saying that without son son spirit can be liberated. He asks binita to have abortion if she have girl in here womb. This cuased Binita over stressed and leads to miscarriage. Binita blames Ashis for all and she starts hating him. One night, Ashis come home drunk and he makes sex with Binita without her will. She blames him of rape. This event disrupts the relationships. Ashis realizes when his Aunt passes away, her son in America doesn't returns to perform the last rites and her daughter come forward to do. Several such incidences make ashis realize that he was in mistake wanting for Son and all are consequences of that. Later they gets reconcile and he support binita to complete her studies.

The drama cast is very heart touching. It is worth to spend some time to listen this drama, it made me realize many things in my relationship with my family. Hope, I could utilize it for my life.

5. Story of Phurwa [Episode 1-5]: A story of Tamang girl in Rasuwa who had to go through harsh circumstances of life. When her parents were planning to marry her somewhere she run away with her beloved one who turned up to be an drunkard and gambler. To get rid of his tormenting treatments, she run away with a guy called himself Lahure (an indian army). But this guy also turn up to be a pimp. She is sold to a brothel in Delhi. She spend there years with tremendous tortures. One day she could come out from there with the help of an organization. When she come back to home, the society gets work to intimidate her slandering about her back life. These social treatments leads her to attempt suicide. In such condition, Chandra who has been loving her since before her first engagement marries her. Still she had to fight with society in rest of the life. But, Chandra supports and loves her which has enable her to struggle against any kinds of slanders. This heart touching story of Phurwa portrays the alarming issue of girls traffickings and imperatives of social support for those women with such background.